Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Events and Performances 2012

Most of 2012 has been spent completing work on The Bright Labyrinth, my new book for Strange Attractor Press. The book is based on lectures and readings I have been giving over the past four or five years – however, the material also required a great deal of my time and effort so I made a decision to forego my usual live schedule and work in private for greater part of this year. The following events proved to be exceptions.

November 5
A live reading specially created for The Cage Rattling event at Kings Place to commemorate the centenary of John Cage’s birth. This text was commissioned for the event and was completed but for last-minute scheduling reasons  was not performed.

June 9
A live reading  of material from Welcome To Mars with audiovisual accompaniment at the Café Teater in Oslo as of ‘Only Connect’, organized by Ny Musikk for the promotion of avant-garde music and performance in Norway

May 5
 A reading of a new text sequence, taken from The Bright Labyrinth, as part of the Sonores festival in Guimaraes, Portugal 
May 3
‘Invading Present Time’
Reading from The Bright Labyrinth, organized as part of the opening to the Savage Objects conference, at the Sociedate Martins Sarmento, Guimaraes, Portugal 

April 26
To launch Tony White’s new book Dicky Star and the Garden Rule (published by Forma Arts and Media) to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown, KH was in conversation with the author at the Free Word Centre, London